Piercing, Pain & Mysticism: My Conversation with Nathan of Nathan’s Tattoos & Piercings

Watch the Full Video Here

Hello heathens,

Happy Friday.

This morning (later than I intended due to my long-suffering poor wifi signal), my first guest episode under Looping the Labyrinth was posted on YouTube and Spotify.

To call it an “interview” would be generous; I had a long conversation with my piercing mentor, Nathan of the infamous Nathan’s Tattoos & Piercings, which included a few questions and plenty of tangents. Those tangents went off on everything from the initial topic of pain as part of initiation- especially pain as it pertains to body modification, although YouTube inexplicably removed an entire minute of me talking about hook suspension- into our respective religious paths, mystical interests, mindfulness in a digitally-overwhelming world, parenting, rough backgrounds and much, much more.

At my heart, I’m someone that just enjoys deep, long, rambling conversations— and I love having them with insightful, unique people. This conversation is precisely that. If you have a long drive or lots of choring ahead of you, this episode may just be ideal listening in the background. I hope some of you enjoy listening half as much as I enjoyed having this discussion!

If you’d like to support my druiding-at-large without spending a penny, I appreciate subscriptions on the YouTube channel; I’m already flattered it’s at 500 with my criminal-level of neglect all this time. I’ve decided to respond to my own agonizing-perfectionism by just keeping the ball rolling and posting even if it isn’t my magnum opus (really obnoxious way to mindfuck yourself out of creating anything), and simply focusing on being sincere with decent-quality clips and just keep on keeping on. If you’d like to drop a few pennies, my Patreon is $3 month to support my brief written reflecitons & gets you early access to all YouTube/Spotify episodes.

For those in Los Angeles, what should be my last public appearance for quite a while is next month’s Bell, Book and Candle. No, I will not be burlesque dancing— I’ll be doing the ritual segment in between the dance performances! Stay tuned for more details (I barely have any myself, I just know it’s happening).

Wishing you all radiant weekends & plenty of sunshine if you can get it,



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