
Vincit Qui Se Vincit: On Dominance
Primal Druidry Primal Druidry

Vincit Qui Se Vincit: On Dominance

“Dominance is more than simply holding a whip, giving an order, giving yourself a title. The magic ingredient to real dominance is strength, authority, and a continuously reflective, self aware, healthy relationship with power. But true strength, true power, goes beyond. To be dominant is to use one’s full faculties to guide and lead with the experiences you have undergone, into (for the submissive) the unknown. Strength, though, can be wielded on any side… so it is not necessary to be sexually dominant to maintain strength.”

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Keepin’ it Basic
Primal Druidry Primal Druidry

Keepin’ it Basic

TLDR: Being well-rounded and having interests outside of magic and paganism is crucial to going deep & making the progress in magic that you want to make…

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The Slumbering God: November’s Tides
Primal Druidry Primal Druidry

The Slumbering God: November’s Tides

This is where the Lord is virility, why I call him Big PP Man: just as often as he’s depicted as a serene, antlered gentleman sitting beneath an oak tree, he’s equally depicted with a comically enormous phallus to demonstrate his virility and vitality, his fertility. He is Life- he is the Wild, living and dying as the earth does

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