
Pagan Pride LA/OC: Courting the Morrigan

Sovereignty. Warfare. Strength. Shapeshifting. Manipulation. Sex. Death. Fate.

Have you ever been called by any of these facets of the Morrigan, the Great Queen of ancient Celtic lore?

As the Otherworld merges with our own this season, it feels like high time to connect to the Raven Queen in a thoroughly earthly, grounded, present and all the way primal fashion. This is not a textbook lecture! Awen will be pulling from legends, lore, faery tales: and the totally unverified, informal, unhinged experience of an outlaw druid in the present day... and perhaps, if it feels right, concluding by phasing into a guided somatic-trance experience to court & perhaps meet the Morrigan. If it doesn't, questions are more than welcome— it will purely depend on what seems more feasible in the moment. I gave an earlier iteration of this class at the Crooked Path earlier in 2024 and will be giving a slightly different flavor this time around.

Bring a journal for note-taking and any offerings you may like to leave on the altar.

No tickets needed, free and family-friendly event (although my talk is thematically not one I would recommend for children)— full details at Pagan Pride LA/OC

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Eight Winds Festival

Eight Winds Festival

Awen is teaching ritual crafting at Eight Winds: a druidic camping festival and gathering of the Northwest Region of ADF. It will be held May 2 - 5, 2024, at Clear Lake state park in beautiful Kelseyville, California.

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Primal Druidry Heart Ritual

Join us for a primal druidry-style ritual dive into the Cauldron of the Heart. As we begin to near winter’s end, this is a moment to banish anything that would be better off left in the past— and passionately, primally nourish the cauldron of your heart & portal of the physical body to usher in an even more powerful rebirth when spring does come.

Dress comfortably to move around & bring a journal for any post-rite reflections! Pot luck snacks and beverages are appreciated but not required.

If you took the Cauldron of the Heart workshop earlier in the month, this is the perfect opportunity to put your insights into practice— but it’s not needed! Feel free to jump in without prior classes, druidry is intuitive, instinctive & simple for those called.

Tickets required, read more and RSVP here:


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